Celestial Creatures

Be mesmerized by the beauty of earthly creatures as they find their place among the constellations; creating a harmonious blend of the earthly and the cosmic.

These pieces offer a sense of wonder and a reminder of the vast universe we're all a part of.

Fine Art Prints

Premium fine art prints, professionally printed on ultra-smooth, archival quality acid-free paper to prevent fading.


Perfect for note taking, or doing a bit of self-care journaling in style!


Cozy up on the couch with a unique, colorful fleece.


Available in 30, 110, 250, and 500 piece arrangements.

Canvas Prints

Give your space more depth and texture with a canvas print.

Framed Prints

Protect your artwork from damage and fading, all while making a bold statement with a framed print.

The Originals

Make your space completely unique - own the original pieces, hand painted by yours truly.

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